Tag: Wave-Maker Spotlight

Photo of Romero damily at Pitzer graduation and light blue wave with text for Making Waves
News and Stories

Más de 10 años de colaboración con Making Waves para la familia Romero

“Ser parte de Making Waves cambió mi trayectoria”, dice Enrique Romero. “No tendría la formación para poder ir a la universidad”, explica él, graduado de la licenciatura en sociología por Pitzer College en California y de la maestría en políticas educativas por Harvard University en Massachusetts. Gracias al apoyo incondicional de sus padres y al acompañamiento de Making Waves, Enrique pudo tomar decisiones que lo llevaron a un futuro diferente.

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Coaching For College

Uniting science, accessibility, and community in academia

“Sometimes lab research can feel very impersonal, but I really enjoy the interpersonal interactions and the community aspect of science,” shared Ysabel David (she/her), a first-gen college student and graduating senior at Scripps who is sharing about her path finding community and pursuing her passions for science, dance, and DEIB.

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Photo of Ale smiling in front of green field and blue wave on left side that says Voices of Making Waves
Career and Job Resources

A World of Possibilities: From UC Berkeley to Studying in Portugal to Interning in Spain

The scholarships and coaching from Making Waves made attending UC Berkeley attainable for first-gen college student Ale Paz, who has found community on campus, studied abroad, and completed a global internship. “College has given me so much freedom to explore these opportunities and figure out what’s best for me. It’s been a great journey,” Ale said.

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Photo of Doris wearing graduation stole in UC Berkeley library with bookshelves behind her and blue wave on side with white text for Voices of Making Waves
Career and Job Resources

The Journey to a Debt-Free Degree and Business Career

Doris Martinez shares her college and career journey from San Rafael to earning a Making Waves scholarship to graduating from UC Berkeley without any student loans and starting a business career at Ernst and Young in the Bay Area.

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Photo of Allison Cubillas in UC San Diego graduation cap and gown with light teal wave on left side with text for Voices of Making Waves
Career and Job Resources

Finding and Prioritizing Yourself in College

“Whatever you want to be in life, be the best you can be at it,” shared Allison Cubillas, a first-gen graduate from UC San Diego who graduated debt-free and started a full-time role at Meketa Investment Group.

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Anthony in UC Davis sweater and blue and orange wave with text for Voices of Making Waves
Coaching For College

Taking Advantage of Every Opportunity and Breaking First-Gen Barriers

“Take advantage of every opportunity so say yes to everything” shared Anthony Jacobo Gonzalez, a Wave-Maker from Pittsburg, California who is attending UC Davis and completing an internship as a part of the Sacramento Valley College Corps. “I just want to give thanks to Making Waves for the resources and opportunities they provide to me. Helping me pay for tuition and providing me with an amazing coach have both been fundamental to my sanity. I really appreciate them, and everything they do in helping me break generational barriers.”

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Photo of UC Davis campus football field with white text that says Wave-Maker Q&A: what it's like to be on campus
News and Stories

Wave-Maker Q&A: What it’s like to be back on campus

As the first term of the school year comes to an end, we’d like to to share about the experiences of some of our Wave-Makers in college as they navigate their college journey! These Wave-Makes, who graduated from Pittsburg High School in the Bay Area, share how they feel about coming back to their campuses along with what they’re beyond excited about for the rest of this academic year.

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Photo of Leaje in suit with graduation stole and gavel next to teal background with quote marks and text for Voices of Making Waves
Career and Job Resources

Wave-Makers Recycling Their Success: From Making Waves Academy to UC Berkeley Law

“It is an absolutely amazing feeling to know that I have made history,” shared Leajé Morris, the first Making Waves Academy alumni to graduate from UC Berkeley School of Law and the first in her family to become a lawyer. “It is truly unreal and is an absolute blessing. I would not be here without God, my mother, my Making Waves family, and the discipline that I have maintained throughout this process,” she shared. “It is very gratifying to know that I can inspire other young students of color, especially those who come from a similar background as I do.”

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