“I know we’re all destined for success,” said Adilene, co-valedictorian of Making Waves Academy’s 2019 graduating class, the 16th Wave. “Over the many years we had together, I noticed the potential you each have to not just be as great as you are, but to be so great that it changes this world we’ve inherited and [this world] becomes one for our kids to be chingones in!”
On June 6th, 81 students walked across the stage at the historic Craneway Pavilion to receive their high school diplomas, marking a 99% graduation rate of Making Waves Academy’s senior class. Of those graduates pursuing college, 85% have enrolled in four-year colleges and universities and 10% have enrolled in community colleges. The graduating class will attend institutions including UC Berkeley, Sacramento State University, San Francisco State University, Berkeley City College, Contra Costa College, Beloit College, and UCLA.
“This is an especially exciting year for us. We are thrilled that 95% of our graduating seniors, the 16th Wave, have committed to college, following the pattern of the Waves before them. And we also celebrate the Academy’s first college graduates. These members of the 12th Wave began with us in 5th grade and have persisted through to college graduation in four years. They are a true inspiration to all our students,” says Alicia Malet Klein, President of the Making Waves Academy board of directors.
This year, one Making Waves family celebrated both high school and college graduations. 12th Waver Marco graduated from Macalester College with zero student loan debt. His brother Miguel, a member of the 16th Wave, will also attend Macalester in the fall. Miguel, who was co-valedictorian of his class, spoke at the graduation. “I believe the generation we are living in is the best one to carry out our dreams,” he said.
In his remarks to the 16th Wave graduates, Making Waves Academy CEO Alton B. Nelson, Jr. said, “this is just one of many milestones I look forward to seeing you meet in the years to come.”