Tag: Alumni

Photo of Romero damily at Pitzer graduation and light blue wave with text for Making Waves
News and Stories

Más de 10 años de colaboración con Making Waves para la familia Romero

“Ser parte de Making Waves cambió mi trayectoria”, dice Enrique Romero. “No tendría la formación para poder ir a la universidad”, explica él, graduado de la licenciatura en sociología por Pitzer College en California y de la maestría en políticas educativas por Harvard University en Massachusetts. Gracias al apoyo incondicional de sus padres y al acompañamiento de Making Waves, Enrique pudo tomar decisiones que lo llevaron a un futuro diferente.

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Headshots of Elaine, Leti, Gigi and text for From internships to job offers
Career and Job Resources

From internships to job offers: financial and career benefits of internships during college

A first-generation college grad, Elaine Fernandez completed five internships during college to explore fields like finance, marketing, and real estate. With her college degree in hand without any student loan debt, Elaine is now an engagement financial advisor. She is sharing her college and career story and her advice for the next generation of college grads.

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Photo of Jezebelle in black shirt with arms on hips and text for Voices of Making Waves
News and Stories

A Wave-Maker’s Journey Researching Machismo Culture and Mental Health

As a sociology major at California State University, Stanislaus, Jezebelle Maldonado (she/her) chose an undergraduate research topic that wasn’t just about academics. It was personal. Now a first-generation college graduate with a bachelor’s degree to her name, Jezebelle is working in the healthcare field as a behavior technician and is considering a master’s degree in the future. “One thing I am taking with me from college is to not be afraid to build connections,” she said

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Photos of Avery smiling on campus and working on fashion design with text for Fashion is Exploration, Meet Avery Tomlin with play button overlay
News and Stories

Fashion is exploration

A first-gen college grad, Avery Tomlin (he/him) chats about changing his college major and exploring his different career paths and passions – including fashion design – during college.

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Photo of Estefan in grad cap and gown smiling holding diploma in front of Northeastern banner
Career and Job Resources

College Graduation Reflections: Friendships, Internships, and Many Open Doors

A first-gen college graduate, Estefan Cervantes obtained three corporate internships during his time at Northeastern University. “I’m looking forward to being financially stable and having the ability to explore the world,” he shared reflecting on his higher education journey and next steps after graduating from Northeastern debt-free thanks to the Making Waves scholarship.

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