Making Waves Foundation partners with you to make college affordable and graduation attainable
The application period is now open for Making Waves Foundation’s college and career success program for Pittsburg High School graduating seniors.
Our college and career success program offers scholarships, coaching, and budget planning to support you on your path to graduating college with minimal to no debt and set up for your first job. Our students, known as Wave-Makers, graduate from college at twice the rate of their peers and 84% earn their degrees debt-free.
Earn your college degree. Reach your career goals. Be a Wave-Maker.

- Scholarship: Up to $5,000 of need-based scholarship funding annually (award amount vary, for a maximum of 5 years)
- College and Career Coaching: Individualized College Coaching
- Budget Planning: A personal Financial Services Coordinator
- Career Planning: Professional and peer networking opportunities
- Plan to attend a four-year college or university
- Have an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) below $5,000 (from FAFSA or Dream Act application)
- Graduating senior at Pittsburg High School in the Bay Area’s Pittsburg, California in Contra Costa County
The scholarship application closes February 20, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
More Information
Making Waves Foundation provides college advising services and scholarships and coaching that encourage students in discovering themselves, growing their strengths, navigating college life, and reaching their career dreams.
Since 2020 Making Waves Foundation has been partnering with Pittsburg Unified School District and Pittsburg High School, providing college planning workshops as well as the opportunity for selected seniors to receive scholarships and college coaching.
Quick Links
Our college advising and planning workshops are designed to equip juniors and seniors with knowledge and tools to support your success.
24/7 Text Support
Our free AI college advisor answers questions about college admissions, decisions, and financial aid – when you need it, direct to your phone.
Our college and career success program offers scholarships, coaching, and budget planning to support you on your path to college graduation and your first job.
What Wave-Makers Are Saying
“The best part is I know that [Making Waves] is going to be there throughout the whole experience,” shared Re’Niyah Oliver (left), who is attending Texas Southern University to study business.
Brenten Williams (right), who is also attending Texas Southern University to study business, shared: “It means a lot having a team by my side as I go through this journey.”

Hear more from Pittsburg High graduates about their experiences working with Making Waves.