Addressing Basic Needs on CSU Campuses, Before and After COVID-19

Yellow graphic with image of food in background and text for title of article

The California State University (CSU) is the largest four-year public university in the country, and is also the most ethnically and economically diverse, with students of color making up nearly three-quarters of its population and 50% of undergraduate students receiving Pell Grant support. Since 2018, the CSU’s Basic Needs Initiative has worked to address the […]

Standing with our Asian and Pacific Islander Communities

Making Waves blue graphic with vision: A society in which all youth—regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status—have access to high-quality educational opportunities and the tools to achieve success.

Dear members of the Making Waves community, Over the past year, violence toward Asian and Pacific Islander communities has increased dramatically. Racist rhetoric calling the coronavirus pandemic the “Chinese virus” has fueled a rise in hate crimes directed at Chinese Americans and other Asians and Pacific Islanders. Harassment, racial slurs, and assaults have spiked, and […]